Have suggestions for places we should cash mob? Here are some more guidelines so you know what to expect:
- The mob date will be announced at least a week in advance.
- The location at which to meet will be announced, but not the specific business to support.
- The recommended amount to spend is $20, although, people can spend more (or less) if they wish.
- The business must have products for both men and women.
- The business must be locally owned.
- The business owner must approve of the cash mob before the mob is announced. (But this is up for discussion - surprises are more fun!)
- The business must be within easy walking distance of a locally-owned watering hole.
- Cash mobbers are encouraged to join for celebratory drinks after the successful mob.
- The cash mob will occur during the evening on a weekday or on a weekend.
- Pictures will be posted to the blog after the Cash Mob.
- Parking and public transportation must be available.
- *The initiators of the cash mob movement suggest that the business be 'giving back to the community' in some way, but the vibe in Hamilton is that the sweat and tears that local business owners already pour into their business is giving back to this city in amazing ways!
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